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Empowering Rural Women: WEZ’s Land Rights Study Circles in Chisamba

In Chisamba, a rural area in Zambia, Women Environs in Zambia (WEZ) recognized the pressing issue of rural women’s land rights and the need to empower them. To accomplish this, WEZ implemented the Land Rights Study Circles, an innovative initiative that provides education, support, and advocacy to empower rural women in the community. This article explores the impact of these study circles and how they have transformed the lives of rural women in Chisamba. Each study circle comprises about 40 members and were created to include traditional leaders such as the Headmen. The groups are chaired by women members and they use updated information on land rights in Zambia. The study circle was established in 2022.

The Land Rights Study Circles meet regularly to discuss their lives, the state of their land rights, and how to effectively advocate for them. The objectives of the study circles are to build a greater understanding of women’s land rights in the community and to foster confidence and collaboration among participants. During the meetings, the women learn about their rights, discuss their experiences related to land, share their views on policy and laws, and develop strategies to defend their rights.

Since the implementation of the Land Rights Study Circles, the rural women members in Chisamba have seen positive changes in their lives. The study circles have enabled women to acquire knowledge about their legal rights, encouraging them to become more assertive in asserting their rights, to challenge existing norms and discriminatory policies, and to become more active participants in decision-making processes. The sense of unity among the women has been strengthened, and the women have become more empowered to protect their land rights and challenge the injustices in their communities.

The impact of the Land Rights Study Circles has been felt in the community as a whole. The initiative has created an environment of increased accountability, leading to improved access to justice for the rural women. This has enabled them to gain more control over their resources and increased their autonomy and security. The study circle will end in June 2023 and an evaluation will be done community land advocacy committees will be established. These teams will be equipped with information on land to enable them to give immediate detailed guidance and response to land matters in their communities. Women Environs in Zambia aims to establish a community paralegal desk to work hand in hand with the headmen and chief who are the stakeholders who are holders of customary land administration.

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